PODCAST: Aimee Talbot on Jesus the Heart Healer

Aimee Talbot likes riding her new bike, and has a massive pastoral heart. It’s not pastoral as in, “let’s drink a latte and be nice to each other,” but more like, “I am fiercely committed to your growth in Christlikeness.”

We spoke about all sorts of things from Africa, to migration grief, to equipping prayer ministers, to the way we view God, to helping Sudanese war survivors find healing from trauma. Throughout this chat I could hear Aimee’s desire for Jesus’ healing to reach all the places of brokenness in our hearts.


  • If you are interested in learning about prayer ministry and the tools to help “do the heart journey,” check Elijah House Ministries.
  • Aimee also referred to four books by Phil Mason.

PODCAST: Amit Khaira on the formation of the next generation of disciples

Amit runs the innovative one-year Catalyst program, which is “designed to provide students with a learning environment that invites a deeper discovery of God’s heart for the world. It’s an opportunity to unearth a deep sense of personal purpose by investigating a range of issues and innovative responses.”

At the heart of all this, you’ll hear his desire to inspire and provoke the next generation of disciples to get out there and follow Jesus in whatever sphere of life they happen to be.

Check catalyst.edu.au to learn about the program. Instagram here: www.instagram.com/catalyst_stc


Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church is the book by NT Wright he referred to.

PODCAST: Simon Elliott on Leading The Big Table

Simon and I chatted about leading The Big Table. I found this inspiring and super encouraging. Check it out. 🙂

We had an idea of some stuff we wanted to talk about in this chat, but we really didn’t get close to it. Keep an eye out for a second installment with Simon.



PODCAST: Louise Pekan on Being a Family on Mission

I spoke with an amazing local legend, Louise Pekan, about the adventures of being part of a family on mission. She and her family are an inspiring local example of living the life of discipleship: both being a disciple of Jesus, and helping others become disciples of Jesus. Get inspired by Taco Night!



The Invitation / Challenge Matrix


The Leadership Square


PODCAST: Andrew Hamilton on Community, Family and Pastoring

Hamo and I spoke about his experiences and the things he’s learned about making disciples in WA.

Apologies for the sound quality!


PODCAST: Brad Joss on Heart Change, Freedom & Family

Brad and I spoke about leading in a community where the focus is on the transformation of people’s hearts. There are some really significant images and ideas Brad mentions here.  Let us know what you think. 🙂



Stay connected with the Paradox journey at www.paradox.church


PODCAST: Mark Illingworth on Five Vs of Making Disciples

Mark and I chatted about Five Vs of making disciples: Vision, Vehicles, Values, Vocabulary and Valuation. Along the way he shares about his journey with The Billabong and some things we can all learn from 3DM. I hope you are inspired by this ex-engineer’s journey and insights!

[Just to clarify: I’m a high school teacher, not student.]



learning circle


Resources mentioned:

PODCAST: Jarrod McKenna on Baptism, The Cross, and Living Love

Jarrod and I spoke about a lot of topics in this interview. A lot. This might be one of those podcasts that needs a second listening. Maybe a third. 🙂



PODCAST: Jill Birt on Discovery Bible Studies

I spoke with Praxeis worker Jill Birt about using a really basic bible study method called Discovery Bible Study to make disciples. Along the way, we covered a range of movements and ideas. Hope you enjoy!


Links referred to: